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Chelsea Flower Show 2015

20 May 2015 12:18

The Outdoor Room are delighted to have won a Silver-Gilt at RHS Chelsea Flower Show for 'The Beauty of Islam' garden designed by Kamelia Bin Zaal and sponsored by Al Barari. 

The Beauty of Islam is a garden designed to be a sanctuary in which to both relax and feel inspired. This garden is an RHS Chelsea Flower Show debut for Bin Zaal and Al Barari. The garden gives visitors the opportunity to explore the relationship between humankind and the earth, which is prominent in Islamic Culture. Planting and hard landscape patterns reflect those found within Islam. The poetry, calligraphy and textures within the garden reflect both the beauty of Arabic and Islamic cultures. A sculpture within the garden also represents Islamic art.

Four walls act as dividers within the garden, creating different rooms and enhancing the garden’s element of discovery with water flowing throughout. The wide variety of plants within the garden, including jasmine, rosemary and papyrus, represents the spread of Islam and Arab culture and the growth of the Arab empire through trade, most notably the Spice Route. The garden is Kamelia’s first show garden at Chelsea.

Here is the plant list:

Palm & Trees
Bismarckia nobilis
Citrus auranticum
Ficus carica
Nanorrhops arabica ritchiana
Punica granatum
Salix babylonica
Olea europea
Allium nigrum
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Alpina zerumbet
Alternanthera Green
Carex flacca
Carex pseudocyperus
Cistis salvifious prostrates
Coffea arabica
Convolvulus cneorum
Convulvulus sabatius
Cymbopogon citratus
Cyperus papyrus Nanum
Cyperus Green Gold
Eleteria cardamomun
Ficus Pumila
Gomphrena globosa alba
Lavandual angustfolia
Lobularia Snow Princess
Myrtus communis
Myrtus Microphyllus
Matthiola longipetala
Matthiola incana alba
Myrrhis odorata
Nerium oleander
Petroselenium crispum
Rosa White
Rosmarinus officinalis
Salvia officinalis
Tabaermontana pachysiphon
Tabaermontana bushy
Teucrium fruticans bushes
Thymus serphyllum Album
Thymus vulgaris White
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